The official countdown has begun and things are getting crazy! I have exactly 38 days until I leave. Can you believe how fast it is coming? Just putting together some final touches on planning, even though I feel like I won't ever be really ready until I am on the airplane. Everybody is always asking me about plans, dates, etc.. so i figured I would just throw out there what I know so far... be aware, this schedule is bound to change. The only thing that is set in stone in my itinerary is my departure and arrival dates!
I leave May 14th in the A.M and am set to arrive in Hethrow airport on May 15th sometime in the afternoon.. just ask me how thrilled I am about an entire day and a half of traveling...
From there I will be staying in the Regents College dorms in London England. While I am there I will be studying all sorts of British History/Literature (things like Shakespeare).
After the program ends on June 19th, I will be taking the rest of Europe by storm. Tentative plans are to visit France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Italy... but I am most excited about the fairly unplanned adventure I will be embarking on with my new friend, and London roommate Bailey. The only thing we know for sure is we need to be in Rome by July 3rd to catch our flight back to the good old U.S of A.
So there you go, start the countdown!
I will probably not be posting much until I actually get to England in May, but once I get there I will hopefully be updating often with all of my crazy experiences (and yes I'm sure they are going to be crazy since this is, according to Brianne, "confessions of a first time traveler". Wish me luck!!)
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